Hansel and Gretel (An Erotic Fairy Tale) Read online

  Hansel and Gretel

  * An Erotic Short (approx. 5,200 Words) *


  Victoria Foxxe


  Hansel and Gretel

  Copyright 2011 by Victoria Foxxe

  Smashwords Edition

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


  This is a work of fiction intended for Adults (18+) only.

  (The material found in this e-book contains sexual explicit situations and is intended for mature audiences only)


  All persons portrayed in this e-book are 18 years of age or older.


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  Hansel and Gretel (An Erotic Fairy Tale)

  Hansel and Gretel lived at the edge of an enchanted woodland. Their foster parents had always taught them to be extremely wary of the wilderness that bordered them. The villagers told tales of wild and evil creatures who roamed there, waiting to catch the unwary. The obedient youngsters never wandered too far into the backwoods.

  As the years passed Hansel and Gretel grew closer. They gathered firewood, and tended their foster-parents small farm. Their life seemed idyllic until the year of their eighteenth birthday. The excited villagers had thrown a “Spring Festival” to honor passage of the village youths into adulthood. Many pretty young girls offered to dance with Hansel but he was surprisingly disinterested.

  The villagers soon became drunk and rambunctious, dancing and feasting wildly into the night. No one noticed there was a particularly bizarre guest. From deep in the woods she had come, the wicked witch Hilda. In order to spy on the villagers, she had disguised herself as a harmless old woman. How dare these uncouth bumpkins, disturb my sleep, she grimaced silently.

  The party-goers had lost all sense of propriety, and some had even paired off. Others snuck into the woods and behind buildings to be alone. All of this joy and merriment filled the bitter, old hag with seething rage; I’ll put a stop to this debauchery! She could barely contain her rage as she scanned the drunken crowd.

  “Gather ‘round the Maypole,” someone called out. Soon, a crowd congregated around a wooden pole that had been decorated with colorful ribbons. All of the young people, including Hansel and Gretel, grabbed a ribbon-strand and began to dance in a clockwise circle. As they frolicked the ribbon began to wrap and intertwine around the pole, creating a multicolored web of fabric.

  When the dance had finished, the revelers began to cheer. “Now it’s time to crown the May Queen and King!” Before long two young people were pulled from the crowd, and wreathed in flowers. “Hansel and Gretel, will be the royal couple… for they are handsomest youths in our village!” There was loud applause and a few very lewd jibes tossed their way.

  When her eyes fell upon the foster siblings, Hilda’s heart filled with rage and jealousy. "Solely because of those two," she croaked. "It’s their unspoken passion, which has riled everyone up.” Many years ago, the old witch had once been a pretty young maiden. However, her parents had forbidden her to marry the love of her life. Over the years she grew bitter and turned to evil magic. When all was said and done, she had become a vicious, wicked, and a powerful witch.

  Hilda hated anyone who was young and beautiful. But most of all she realized the two before her were destined for perfect happiness. "I will put an end to this," she grumbled. "When I am finished no one will ever see them again.” With that, she disappeared in a puff of smoke and brimstone.

  A few days later Hansel, Gretel, and their mother were sitting at home before their hearth. A frantic knocking at the door startled the happy family. "I will get it," chimed Gretel as she ran towards the door her blond curls bouncing. She was a stunning beauty, with full, round breasts that threatened to burst from her bodice.

  Hansel couldn’t help but take a deep breath as he watched her sprint towards the door. She’s so beautiful, he thought as he watched her. He knew it was wrong to think of her this way, but it couldn’t be helped.

  The two of them had been raised together as brother and sister by their adoptive parents. But try as he may he couldn’t overcome his desire for the blonde beauty. It was true, while they resembled one another they were in fact, not blood relations.

  However, poor Hansel was tortured by thoughts of his sultry foster-sister. Many nights, he’d spent stroking himself and thinking about her. What I wouldn’t give to touch her plump tits, and round ass, he mused. He felt his cock stiffen and he flushed red with embarrassment. All the while, he silently prayed no one would notice.

  Gretel opened the door to find grizzled villager standing there. "Dear, I am sorry to say that something terrible has happened!" He spoke holding his hat in his hand and staring down at his feet. "Your father was hurt at the mill and has been taken to the chapel.”

  "Oh heavens," Gretel cried out. "Is he all right?" She attempted to hold back her tears at the thought of her beloved foster father.

  "Yes," the Woodman replied. "But the Abbess has requested that your family come." Gretel’s mother burst into tears. Hansel wrapped his arms around her shoulders and comforted her.

  "We are on our way," he cried out. Wasting no time, the trio put on their cloaks and headed towards the village. It wasn’t long before they reached their destination. When they arrived, a stern looking nun greeted them at the door. "Frau Hoeffer, it is good to see you. But I am sorry it is under such dire circumstances."

  "May we see my husband?" Mrs. Hoeffer replied.

  "Why yes of course my dear," the little nun replied, as she led him into the cavernous sanctuary. He’s with the surgeon at this moment.

  The troubled family walked towards a small room in the back. Inside they found their dear father lying quietly on a small cot, covered in rough, wool-blanket. "Oh my wife and sweet foster-children,” the injured man cried out he saw them. Hansel went to his father in kneeled and took his hand in his own. "Father, what happened?"

  "I was working alone in the mill when I heard an odd noise. I went to investigate and somehow the edge of my shirt was caught in the gears of the mill,” the old man sobbed.” I tried to pull away but I was yanked inward, and my hand was crushed under the rotating wheels."

  The old man’s voice shook as he spoke and his family lowered their heads in grief. For their foster father was the primary means of support. While he worked a daily in the mill, the rest of the family farmed and gathered firewood to earn money.

  Hansel knew that since his dear foster father had become injured; it was up to him and Gretel to help support the family. After a few days, their father was allowed to come back home and rest with them. The two foster children had decided on a plan to help the family. "Mother," Hansel said when evening. "Gretel I have decided that will go deep into the woods to gather firewood and mushrooms to se

  "Oh my dear son," his foster mother replied. "The forest is a wild an enchanted place, and I fear for your safety. You realize, we have no other choice. If the two of you dare to go into the woods, take this basket of bread crumb and leave a trail of it behind you. That way you will not become bewitched and forget your way back home."

  The next morning, Hansel and Gretel made their way deep into the forbidden Forest. The best firewood was to be found very far into the wilderness. It was also known, that very tasty, wild mushrooms could be found growing in the undergrowth. Their mother had packed them a basket filled with a delicious lunch and a packet of bread crumbs. Gretel had been very diligent about strewing the trail of those crumbs along their path.

  After they had filled to back it full of wood and wild mushrooms, Gretel set up a small picnic in a clearing. As his luscious foster sister arranged their small feast, Hansel couldn’t take his eyes from her own alluring tempting cleavage. It is so wrong to think this way. He is as his desire rose within him. The very thought of being alone with her in these would be almost more than he could take. He wondered sometimes if she felt the same way.

  "Brother," Gretel called out as she sat down on the blanket." It is time to eat and then we can make our way home. Look at all the delicious things mother has made for us!"

  Hansel joined his sister on the blanket. He began to silently eat his lunch, trying his best to take the lustful thought that ran wildly through his mind. Gretel wondered why her brother had been so following lately, well she knew her father's unexpected injury had said and the whole family. It wasn’t like him to be so distant and cold. She often wished that things could be the way they were when they were young children. Life had been so carefree then, the two of them had at all and enjoyed each other's company. Now it seems like Hansel made every excuse to avoid her.

  It was then that Gretel noticed something terrible. A flock of black birds had descended onto the trail and began to greedily eat the bread crumbs she had thrown there. "No," she cried out as she ran towards the greedy birds. She tried her best to shoo them away from the crumbs but they ignored her and continued to greedily devour them. Soon, Havel joined her in the vain attempt to stop the feasting walk, but it was too late. The birds ate their fill and flew away as quickly as they arrived. Gretel fell to her knees and began to weep.

  "Lost," she wailed her head in her hands. "We are totally lost! There is no way will make it home without those crumbs!"

  "Do not worry my dear sister," Hansel tried his best to soothe her. Before he knew it he had rested his hand on her heaving shoulders. Her bodice with pull down far enough to expose her pale, white shoulders and when his hands touched her hot flesh an electric tingle radiated throughout his whole body. Yet, he couldn’t remove them from touching her and he couldn’t help but think that perhaps she felt this strange excitement too. "We will find our way home easily," he whispered into her ear. "We know this forest very well."

  "But brother we have never been this deep before. And I fear we will lose our way in this maze of trees and brush!" Gretel tried to fight back her tears and panic, she did not want Hansel to think she was weak or hysterical.

  "It will be dark soon," he said as he helped her to her feet. "Let us not waste any time. If we leave the woods before dark were certain to make it home all right."

  The two of them gathered up their bundles and began to walk the winding trail back home. They walked what seemed like an hour before concern crossed Hansel face "we should have gotten home by now," he whispered silently to himself.

  "I think we are walking in circles," Gretel gasped. "You see that tree there? I am quite certain, we passed it before I recognize the broken branch on the bottom it."

  Hansel squinted and stared in the direction that she pointed. He regarded the treaty for a while and stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I believe you are right sister," he answered, attempting to hide the concern in his voice. "It does look like we've been going in circles."

  "What should we do that?" She answered her voice quivering with tension. Hansel tried his best to think of a way out of the bewitched wilderness. But try to make he couldn’t figure out a solution to their dire circumstances.

  "I have an idea," Gretel chimed in. "If the forest is bewitched then perhaps things are not what they seem. So instead of heading towards home, let us go in the opposite direction. Maybe then we will find our way."

  Hansel thought about her suggestion for a moment and realized they had no other option. If this forest was indeed a magical one, perhaps doing something unexpected would get them home. "That is a good plan!" The two lost youths turned around and headed in the opposite direction. For a while it seems like their plan was working, as they no longer passed the same broken Oak over and over again.

  Hours went by, and soon it became obvious they were no closer to home than before. Gretel stared up at the sky and worry colored her face. "It is going to be dark soon. And all sorts of hideous and vicious monsters will be loose. We are doomed."

  Hansel didn’t reply, he was too preoccupied with the thought of finding shelter. Perhaps they could climb the trees and remain safe from harm until the morning. Or maybe there was a dark cave that they could hide deep inside of. As he continued to weigh options a sudden exclamation from Gretel brought him back to reality.

  "Look Brother!" Gretel shouted as she pointed towards the distance. “There is a cottage ahead and I can see smoke coming from the chimney. That means someone lives there, we are saved!" The two of them made their way towards the distant dwelling. Hansel tried his best to fight back the sense of foreboding that swept over him.

  As they drew closer to the little house it became apparent that it was covered in brightly colored and seemingly edible decoration. The Windows were framed with a thick white frosting and little brightly colored bits of hard candy were stuck to the walls. Gretel let out an excited squeal and ran toward the enchanted place. She stuck a finger into the frosting and then brought it to her mouth for a taste.

  "Yummy," she exclaimed stared directly at her foster brother. "It is made of sweets! What an impossible thing, I have never seen anything like it. "

  "We should be very careful Gretel," Hansel cautioned. "These woods are full of strange and magical thing, many of them dangerous." All of their lives they have heard horror stories of the evil creatures that lurk in the dim forest. Magical being, that lift coughed strife and despair through clever tricks. This will warm and cozy house just seemed too good to be true.

  "Just a little taste," urged Gretel asked he brought frosting covered finger to Hansel's pursed lips. Unable to resist the temptation Hansel tasted of the enchanted house. Soon, they both became wild with hunger. In no time at all, they had begun to tear off little pieces of the wondrous cottage and devoured them. Before long, they heard an awful screech.

  "Knock, knock, knock," croaked an eerie voice. "Who is that nibbling on my house?" Gretel and Hansel trembling fear for now they realize they have stumbled upon a very scary witch! Before they could run, they realized that their legs were suddenly frozen in place. It was too late; they were under the witch’s terrible spell. The vicious hag roared out of her house and glowered over her captives.

  With of surprising strength, she dragged the two of them into her lair. "Now I finally have you! No more will silly laughter of the villagers keep me up at night."

  "Why have you done this?" Gretel asked her lower lip trembling.

  "Because you are both so young and beautiful," the witch continued. She could hardly contain her cackling glee as she rubbed her hands together and grinned with a broken smile. "Your love causes me nothing but pain. Now I have you down here and I will never be bothered with it again."

  "Love," Gretel asked. "What are you talking about?"

  "Why do not you ask your dear foster brother?" The nasty old Crone giggled. "I am sure you can enlighten you on the subject."

  The young girl's face flushed with embarrassment if you begin to think about Hansel'
s recent behavior. It all made sense now why he pulled away from her, and seemed so distant. She had suspected he was occupied with the girl, but she did not realize the girl he was in love with was her. She wondered why he had never bothered to tell her. They were not really brother and sister, her parents had found him abandoned in the woods and brought him home to raise. In fact, she always secretly hoped they could be together. There was no logical reason anyone would object to it.